Student Rights & Responsibilities


Ebersole Health and Wellbeing Center


As a student/patient, you have choices, rights and responsibilities.  We are concerned with providing you the very best in health care and ask that you participate in your own health care by being an active and informed consumer.

You have the right to:

Be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of your race, religion, age, sex, beliefs, or lifestyle;

Expect that your records will be kept confidential and will be released only with your written consent, or in cases of medical emergencies, or in response to court-ordered subpoenas.  (Confidentiality can be violated if the individual poses a significant threat of harm to self or others.);

Expect that your personal privacy will be respected by all staff at Ebersole Health and Wellbeing Center;

Know the names and the positions of the people serving you;

Receive education and counseling and explanations to your questions;

Consent to or refuse treatment, except as prohibited by law, and to be informed of the consequences of making this decision;

Review your records with a clinician;

Obtain another medical opinion;

Express any grievance to the Director of the Ebersole Health and Wellbeing Center without fear of restraint, interference or discrimination. 

You have a responsibility to:

Be honest about your medical history and other information you give us;

Act with consideration and respect toward Cornell College Student Health Center staff.

 Ask questions if you do not understand the explanation of your diagnosis, treatment, prognosis or any instructions;

Follow health care advice and therapy instructions;

Respect clinic policies;

Observe the privacy and confidentiality of others in the clinic;

Report any changes or lack of improvement in your health;