Sexual Misconduct

Know your rights and what is expected of you as a member of our community

Cornell College affirms the rights of its community members to live, study, and work in an environment free from all forms of sexual misconduct, including quid pro quo conduct, unwelcome conduct, sexual assault (sex offenses, rape, sodomy, sexual assault with an object, fondling, incest, statutory rape), stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, economic abuse, technological abuse, abuse in later life, and/or sexual exploitation.

As a community we are committed to maintaining a standard of conduct that creates an environment of trust, care, and respect. Our community prohibits sexual misconduct and treats violations of this policy as serious violations of the standards of conduct, and sexual misconduct will not be tolerated. The College will take direct action to prevent and correct such behavior consistent with Title IX regulations, federal law, and state law.

Those actions include providing support and interim resolutions to Complainants, conducting a prompt, fair and impartial investigation of allegations of sexual misconduct with respect for all involved parties, and pursuing appropriate resolution of the matter, including any appropriate remedies to address the effects of sexual misconduct on the Complainants and others, any appropriate corrective action against the Respondent/s found responsible, consistent with Title IX, and also prohibiting retaliation against participants in the investigation process.

The college is also committed to providing institution-wide education to prevent sexual misconduct and to mitigate the impacts of any sexual misconduct on the community.

Resources for sexual misconduct violations and questions

Understanding consent

Consent may seem confusing when you're in an emotional state like arousal. To be sure that you have consent from your partner, you need to step back for a moment and take the emotion out of the situation. This video can help you with the context you need to identify situations where consent isn't given, and make the right decision for you and your partner.

Video: Consent is like tea