Theatre and dance

Cornell College is in the middle of everywhere, the perfect scene for (your) Act 1 to begin.

alt text for the imageIf you're a serious theatre student, you'll undergo a rigorous professional training regimen in a dedicated liberal arts context that will make you industry ready. If you're a liberal arts student who wants to pursue an interest in theatre and dance, you'll get ample opportunities to explore and become involved in productions.

Or maybe you're one of our many students who like to combine another field of study with theatre and are looking for courses that take an interdisciplinary approach. (Drama therapy? Theatre for social justice?) Students from all majors are welcome to get involved in the theatre and dance program at whatever level interests you, and you can use that flexibility to customize your education to fit the career trajectory that most interests you. Stage skills will come in handy whether you're pitching your new product to investors or performing under lights.


All the world's a stage but Cornell's is exceptional

You can perform anywhere and traveling companies often do. However, being a part of a production held in an exceptional (and new) theatre facility brings down the house in more than one way. Cornell's Kimmel Theatre and Plumb-Fleming Black Box Studio impress theatre afficionados in the front of the house and backstage.

Dress rehearsal

You'll meet guest artists and professionals who routinely visit the Hilltop to work with students. You'll learn from the industry's best and make connections in your industry. Through Cornell's special relationships with nearby regional theatres; like Riverside Theatre, The Old Creamery Theater, Creede Repertory Theatre, and Theatre Cedar Rapids; you will have access to plenty of opportunities that fit your interests including potential internships.

Screenwriting course
Finding yourself at Cornell College
Cornell College dance

You've got talent!

We offer talent scholarships in theatre and dance

Sara Cooper '16

Theatre for social change major

"Cornell is what you make it—whether it be through your major or extracurriculars, you can forge your own family and create your own opportunities with the tools Cornell gives you. Take full advantage of everything Cornell offers and a day won’t go wasted."

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