• Ann Cannon

    Ann Cannon

    Watson M. Davis Professor of Mathematics and Statistics

Academic History

  • Ph.D., Statistics, Iowa State University
  • M.S., Statistics, Iowa State University
  • B.A., Mathematics, Grinnell College

Courses Taught

  • Statistical Methods I and II
  • Mathematical Statistics I and II
  • Epidemiology
  • Calculus I
  • Dealing with Data: Data Management, Data Visualization, and Big Data


  • Stat2: Building Models for a World of Data, with George Cobb, Bradley Hartlaub, Julie Legler, Robin Lock, Thomas Moore, Allan Rossman, and Jeffrey Witmer, W. H.  Freeman and Company, 2013.  www.stat2.org
  • "Looking for Stat(istician)s in All the Wrong Places" with Carolyn Cuff.  Focus, May/June 2005.
  • "Guidelines for Undergraduate Minors and Concentrations in Statistical Science" with Brad Hartlaub, Robin Lock, William Notz, and Mary Parker.  Journal of Statistics Education, 10:2002.
  • "Review of Understanding Data: Principles and Practice of Statistics."  American Statistician, 1998, volume 52, number 4, pg. 367.
  • "Statistical Tests for Signals in Categorical Temporal Data" with William Meeker.  Biometrical Journal, 1996, 38:36-59.
  • "Temporal Analogues to Spatial K Functions" with Noel Cressie.  Biometrical Journal, 1995, 37:351-373.