Unaffiliated Study Abroad Programs

You can study abroad on unaffiliated programs with no formal connection to Cornell College. You may be able to receive transfer credit for courses taken through unaffiliated programs.

Steps to take for unaffiliated programs

  1. Contact us to discuss program options.
  2. Submit the Off-Campus Studies Program Petition to the Office of International & Off-Campus Studies at least 90 days prior to the start of the program.
  3. Meet with Financial Assistance to better understand how your aid is impacted and to fill out any necessary forms.
  4. Pay your tuition and fees directly to the program sponsor, unless otherwise indicated by the Office of International & Off-Campus Studies.
  5. Transfer course credits by completing your petition for transfer of credit and add/drop form and returning them to the Registrar’s office.
  6. Complete the student waiver form.

Make sure to file your petition and complete all forms well in advance of the sponsoring agency’s or host institution’s deadlines.

If approved by Cornell and the sponsoring program, the two institutions may enter into a consortium agreement, which will allow you to be considered as an enrolled Cornell student while participating in the program. This provides you with federal and state financial assistance. However, your Cornell-funded scholarships and aid are not available to you while you are in an unaffiliated program.

Your grades (“C” or better) earned from an unaffiliated program will count as transfer credit at Cornell. If you are not enrolled at Cornell after completing the unaffiliated program, the courses taken while studying abroad will not be recorded on your Cornell transcript unless you pay a processing fee of $100 for each course you elect to transfer.